Thursday, May 26, 2011

Monday 23 May Venice

After a generous buffet breakfast (included in the room rate) we headed off to St Marks Square. Sue got quite sentimental on the waterbus down the Grand Canal, as it brought back memories of her previous visit to Venice on our honeymoon. But the sentimentality passed and we joined the short queue to look at St Marks Basilica. It's built on a Greek cross plan with 5 domes, with lots of Byzantium frescos and mosaics. The floor is also marble, with lots of animals and floral motifs. All very impressive.
We then toured the Doge's Palace. Room after room of lavish Venetian art and murals, including the Doge's private apartments, council chambers and committee rooms (the Venetian structure of government seems to have been very contorted). There are detailed descriptions in English in most rooms. After the lavish art of the palace, you go across the Bridge of Sighs into the “New Prison” - a very depressing place. The ticket for the Doge's Palace also covers the other museums in St Mark's square, so naturally we took advantage of it! Hence, we headed to the Museum Correr, which is dedicated to the art and history of Venice. Lots of items from Venetian history – artworks depicting important people, pottery, coins, weapons, models of ships, books and numerous other items,and again almost overwhelming in richness. Then there are two rooms from the old Venetian library, with very ornate decor. Just when we felt “cultured out”, we noticed that one floor further up was the art gallery with works from Venetian painters over the ages, as well as other painters who had been influenced by the Venetian style. All in all, an amazing group of collections, very well presented in a logical and clear way. You could spend days absorbing it all, but I guess that as a tourist you can't hope to take it all in.
Tomorrow we'll try and be a little more relaxed.

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